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Parental Engagement

In addition to various school events wherein we request and encourage parents to participate and see the progress of their child closely, we also organize seminars, workshops, training sessions on various relevant topics which are very critical for parents like effective parenting, career guidance, healthy life-style, value education by eminent speakers throughout the year.

Parental involvement during school life is considered of vital importance for the development of the child. Parents and teachers work together to cultivate proper habits, attitude and values among the students.

The Parent–Teacher Association is an integral part of the school set up. The PTA consists of the parents whose children are studying in the school. The Execution committee of the association is a nominated body represented by teachers of school. The principal of the school is the President of the Association.

The Parent-Teacher Meeting is a vital interface between the school and the parents. They provide an opportunity for the parents and teachers to discuss the child’s progress at the school and collectively decide the future course of action towards a common goal of enabling the child to reach his/her true potential.