Article | Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida – JP International Tue, 15 Mar 2022 09:50:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Article | Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida – JP International 32 32 STEM Education Drives Innovation & Curiosity among Young Minds Sun, 16 Jan 2022 06:50:00 +0000 The term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) was first coined by Charles E. Vela, the founder and director of the Centre for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering Education. STEM is an approach to education, which not just focuses on the cited disciplines, but also caters to developing critical thinking skills and […]

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The term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) was first coined by Charles E. Vela, the founder and director of the Centre for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering Education. STEM is an approach to education, which not just focuses on the cited disciplines, but also caters to developing critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities in children. It fosters creativity and prepares children with not just theoretical know-how but rather the real-world application of the aforementioned subjects. No wonder, STEM is often regarded as the key to success in the current times.

So today, we, at JP International School, one of the leading schools in Greater Noida, will shed more light on the topic and explain how STEM education presents children with a whole lot of benefits. Read on.

  • STEM boosts curiosity

All STEM disciplines encompass “questioning” by students at every level. Be it Science or Math, we get to hear a lot of ‘what ifs’ and ‘hows’ from students to dig deeper into the subject. This inquisitiveness aroused by the STEM subjects helps keep their imaginative curiosity and innovation instinct alive.

  • Diminishes the fear of failure

STEM education is specially gaining a lot of attention from educators worldwide because of its ability to derive better learning outcomes from students. That is so because STEM subjects encourage students to design solutions to the given problems in their own way without fearing about going wrong. When students adopt the trial-and-error method and take risks to reach success, they don’t fear failure anymore and are thus ready to follow their curious notions.

  • Prepare them for real-world problems

STEM education prepares students to cope with real-world issues covering community problems, health issues, building energy-efficient infrastructure, improving public utilities, etc. These are real-world projects that interest students, thus maintaining their curiosity.

  • Enables unconfined exploration

STEM education has been designed in such a way that it lets the students think freely and use hands-on research, tinkering activities, etc., to innovative outcomes. Their learning thus doesn’t remain confined to merely the textbooks, and they get to attain a lot more knowledge than they could have through the traditional book-bound approach of education impartation.

  • Operating synergistically = Great breakthroughs

We, at JP International School, a well-known school in Greater Noida, have seen that children can solve even the biggest of problems when they work in teams collaboratively and synergistically. This is the key principle that STEM is based on. Haven’t you ever experienced that when you understand other people’s ideas, perceptions, and understanding about a problem, you start looking at the situation with a different perspective and a new insight? Such breakthroughs help bloom the curiosity among the kids.

  • Equips the kids with strong technical know-how

During the study of various STEM subjects, students get exposed to using various technologies. They understand the power of new technologies as they move ahead in life. This not just makes them implicitly tech-savvy in the process but also ignite in them an insatiable thirst for learning more and knowing more.

Encapsulating, we, at JP International School, ranked among the top most schools in Greater Noida, would like to say that the most stimulating effect of teaching STEM at our school is seeing the queries of our students becoming sharper and curiosity getting built-in them with each passing day. We have seen how children begin to learn from their mistakes and thus make more informed and better decisions. Their fervor for learning gets built up, making them keener to know about things in life. This means that even though your child has no intentions of becoming an engineer or doctor upon growing up, STEM education will unquestionably initiate a lifelong learning attitude in your kids, which will add to their success in whichever field they wish to explore their interests in.

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Attaining Academic Excellence Post Pandemic Sat, 27 Nov 2021 11:04:00 +0000 The world has recently been through some really difficult times. No denying, the pandemic hit us real bad and brought in a sea change to our lives. However, for most parents, a bigger worry than the pandemic itself was to see their children locked inside homes. Children suffered in terms of a sudden cut-off from […]

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The world has recently been through some really difficult times. No denying, the pandemic hit us real bad and brought in a sea change to our lives. However, for most parents, a bigger worry than the pandemic itself was to see their children locked inside homes. Children suffered in terms of a sudden cut-off from school, learning, and friends.

As a parent, weren’t you worried about the growth and progress of your child? Initially, academics were at a complete standstill. But with the passage of time, the concept of e-schooling/online learning came to life. Even though children were being taught within the comfort of their homes and the teachers were putting in the best of their efforts to maintain the same energy and vigor in the teaching-learning process, all of you would agree that the essence of attending school, engaging in co-curricular activities, and interacting with peers took a backseat.

But now, with the vaccination drive going strong and the cases coming down the hill, the government has given permission for the reopening of schools. Children will finally be going back to direct, one-to-one learning at the school. And we, at JP International School, one of the top 10 schools in Greater Noida, are all happy and excited to welcome back our students with newfound innovation and enthusiasm to make learning even more fun and engaging for them.

How do we plan to achieve academic excellence post-pandemic?

The roadblock of COVID is gradually loosening up, but the path isn’t easy yet. As such, with strict sanitization and hygiene measures in place and with a determination to get back the things on track as early as possible, we, at JP International School, plan to focus more on the below in the upcoming days:

  • Quality Over Quantity:

The pre-pandemic era at most schools was about quantitative learning. However, the unplanned break that came because of the pandemic, followed by online learning paved the way for qualitative learning.

Today, schools avoid offering scattered information. The focus is on adding value to the ever-growing knowledge basket of children. We, at JP International School, have always laid emphasis on quality over quantity and thus did not have to alter our functioning to cope up with the post-pandemic scenario. Academic excellence was within reach and will always be our key area of focus.

  • Interactive Learning:

Delivering education over online channels, with the teacher and students separated by geographical boundaries, was an unimaginable circumstance. However, to help children be attentive, our teachers churned out engaging tools. The idea was to keep children actively involved. Even research suggests that interactive activities help children to learn six times better when compared to bookish or theoretical learning alone.

So now, the post-pandemic schooling will focus on taking the legacy ahead and exploring the different angles of this methodology, which will help the school and our pupils alike to achieve academic excellence.

  • IT-Backed Infrastructure:

We, at JP International School, have always worked towards creating unison between education and technology. And now, when in the post-pandemic era, most people have come to understand the ease and convenience that progressive infrastructure brings to the table, we would like to lay attention on sustainable learning. We firmly believe that to excel academically, children need not be fed heaps of information. What is more important is to keep children hooked to the process so that education is able to add value to their lives.

Post-Covid Schooling Will Be a Thing in Itself!

As a parent, if you are worried about how your child will be able to cope up with academics, now that the schools have opened up, first stop worrying.

If your child was able to learn when the pandemic was at its peak, then now, with the teachers and fellow students around, your child will only be looking forward to this long-lost experience. At JP International School, one of the top 10 schools in Greater Noida, our team is all geared up to welcome back our budding geniuses to our school and is super excited to add an all-new fervor to academics and learning.

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Sleep is Vital for Children’s Learning and Development Sun, 30 May 2021 07:40:00 +0000 It is said, ‘A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures.’ Sleep is certainly an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle. Just a night of poor sleep can completely make the day’s activities and performance halted. It is no surprise that sleep deprivation can impact children just as it has an effect […]

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It is said, ‘A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures.’ Sleep is certainly an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle. Just a night of poor sleep can completely make the day’s activities and performance halted. It is no surprise that sleep deprivation can impact children just as it has an effect on adults. This is why we, at JP International School, ranked among the top schools in Greater Noida, have always maintained that it is crucial to understand the necessity of sleep in children and how it impacts their learning and development.

The thing is that we constantly hear physical and mental health of young children has a considerable impact on their learning.  But do we really understand how much a child’s sleep can impact their growth and contribute to their development? To put it clearly, a child’s sleep is just as significant as their nutrition and exercising because it improves their overall mental and physical health. So, let’s delve deeper into the topic in this article today and see how and why proper sleep constitutes a vital component in children’s growth and learning.

Deep sleep is the key to good health

Sleep, in particular deep sleep, is vital for healthy growth and development. Ideally, a child should spend at least half of their sleeping hours in a deep sleep to ensure proper growth and development. This is because, majority of human hormones, especially growth hormones, are secreted during the times of deep sleep. So, without ample sleep, children might experience inadequate growth, which can also impede their development and learning to a greater extent.

Various studies have shown that children who get an adequate amount of sleep regularly are considerably better at focusing on their work for longer periods of time. Such children are quite attentive in learning and show far better performance in memory, concentration, and behavior.

Proper sleep aids in mental development

Getting adequate sleep is essential to a child’s mental development, as a child’s brain is busy developing while their body is at rest. At JP International School, we have seen that children who do not get enough sleep have a hard time concentrating and managing their moods. Moreover, sleep helps kids improve their focus and attention span. Studies have shown that children who get adequate sleep every day tend to show higher levels of concentration, optimal mental alertness and are less impulsive and not easily distracted. So, it is important for you to make sure your child rests well, and by doing this, you will be supporting your little one’s brain to take its form in the right way.

Effects performance at all levels

Children who are deprived of sleep during their early years tend to experience an adverse impact on their growth hormones, causing growth hormone deficiency and subsequent negative effects. Lack of sleep can primarily affect a child’s weight and impacts their performance at all levels. It is hence important for children to get the right amount of sleep every day. Having said that, not many know that naps during the daytime are equally important as the nighttime sleep. Naps help the brain to relax and prevent it from becoming overtired.

Now, with all thoughts going over your mind, you must be thinking about how much sleep your children need. Well, practically, it depends on a child’s age and bodily requirements. In general, toddlers need 11-14 hours of sleep, while school-age children need 9-11 hours of sleep at night. It is necessary to ensure that you practice the right sleeping schedule for your child and establish strict and consistent bedtime routines. At JP International School, one of the top schools in Greater Noida, we believe that the quality of sleep a child gets not only greatly contributes to his/her performance at school but also helps to improve his/her day-to-day ability to function and optimizes the health. Creating a consistent sleeping routine and watching out for signs of sleep problems in your kids can help enhance their learning and development and ensure their growth into happier, mentally strong, less demanding, and more sociable adults.

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Importance of Inquiry-Based Learning for Young Minds Mon, 17 May 2021 08:08:00 +0000 The educational landscape has undergone a drastic change in the last few years. The teaching and learning methodologies today are much more advanced and are capable of effectively engaging the learners in the process of education. One such methodology which has been gaining a lot of momentum in recent times is the inquiry-based learning methodology. […]

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The educational landscape has undergone a drastic change in the last few years. The teaching and learning methodologies today are much more advanced and are capable of effectively engaging the learners in the process of education. One such methodology which has been gaining a lot of momentum in recent times is the inquiry-based learning methodology. The approach is openly being embraced by the leading institutions across the world for its ability to create life-long learners with an innate interest in knowing more. And we, at JP International School, are one among such institutions that have not only implemented the inquiry-based learning approach but are also benefitting the young minds the most with it.

At JP International School, one of the top 10 schools in Greater Noida, we believe that inquiry-based learning is a way forward for young minds who are inquisitive in nature. This future-focused learning method trains the kids to acquire knowledge, learn new ideas, and experience the world through inquisition. On that note, let’s delve deeper into what exactly inquiry-based learning is and how it has emerged as one of the most beneficial approaches for children.

What is Inquiry-based learning?

Inquiry-based learning is a new, unconventional approach to teaching that helps deliver a meaningful learning experience that is more suited for 21st-century learners. What makes inquiry-based learning different from mainstream teaching is that it does not depend on direct instructions or rote learning, rather feeds the inquisitive nature of students. It makes education more engaging, interesting, and meaningful as students are exposed to different scenarios where they can reflect on and be curious about to ask questions.

The young minds of today are no more suited for passive learning, which promotes one-way interaction and downpour of concepts that no longer relates to the real world. In an inquiry-driven classroom environment, teachers use different approaches that help children cultivate various skills through guided learning and reasoning of concepts. The emphasis here is on the student’s interaction during the learning process, which provides them the autonomy to ask questions, explore, and share ideas.

Promotes an active learning culture

While passive learning is all about knowledge imbibed by children through teachers or books, it adds little to the value of education. On the other hand, inquiry-based learning promotes an active learning culture where students are able to process complex ideas, understand the logic behind several concepts and apply the same to real-life scenarios. This way, they are more involved in the learning process and get exposed to inquiry-driven ways of learning that help them grow beyond the realm of the concepts in the books. Moreover, active learners turn out to be life-long learners too as they learn to look for knowledge beyond books and rigid courseware.

Enables learning through self-exploration

In the inquiry-based learning approach, education is more of a journey for children. They learn everything through self-exploration and are capable of finding their own answers by inquiring about them to teachers. Experts suggest that children who learn through experiences become better learners in the course of time as they are enabled to understand concepts and retain information much better than others. This type of learning also promotes exploration and creativity, leading the curious minds of children to delve deeper into the how’s and why’s of a concept.

Role of teachers in inquiry-based learning

The role of teachers in inquiry-based learning is crucial for students’ learning experience. They create a physical environment of real-world scenarios for students to experiment, explore, and dabble their hands at new things. The teachers at JP International School encourage students to interrogate with an open mind and help every child realize their true potential without dwindling their natural inquisitiveness. They help students get exposed to collaborative activities that propel curiosity in young minds, allowing free-thinking and open exchange of ideas, which takes their learning to the next level.

At JP International School, one of the top 10 schools in Greater Noida, we follow an innovative inquiry-based approach to learning that focuses on the holistic development of our students’ skills. We lay equal emphasis on building their comprehension, critical thinking, and free-thought process throughout their journey of education. Instead of letting them primarily memorize and recall concepts or formulas, we engage them in productive experiential learning activities that enable them to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts taught.

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What does it take to Raise Confidently Speaking Kids? Wed, 14 Apr 2021 07:35:00 +0000 How do you feel when you find your child shying away from speaking in public? You wish if your child could have had the skills to speak confidently amid the crowd. Well, we, at JP International School, would like to assure you that even if your kid feels scared to speak among the public, there’s […]

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How do you feel when you find your child shying away from speaking in public? You wish if your child could have had the skills to speak confidently amid the crowd. Well, we, at JP International School, would like to assure you that even if your kid feels scared to speak among the public, there’s actually nothing to panic about. In fact, except a few, most children become uncomfortable speaking in front of a large audience, and sometimes, even in a smaller circle.

Having said that, we also understand that as a parent, you want your little one to speak confidently to their peers as well as adults in all situations. But the good news is that there are ways to arouse the natural ‘performance gene’ in children and instill in them the confidence to communicate effectively without fear. And on that note, we, at JPIS, have brought forth for you today a set of tips and confidence-building activities that would help you to boost the confidence level of your little geniuses and raise them into confident speakers.

Strengthen their listening skills

To help your child grow into an effective speaker, it is important to first work on his/her listening skills. Hence, do encourage your children to practice listening skills right from a young age. Listening is a vital part of any conversation, and only those who are efficient listeners can master the communication skills in the true sense. Teach your children that carefully listening to what others have to say is a crucial part of any conversation. It not only gives an insight into the thought process of the person you are speaking to but also instills the confidence to take the communication on the right path. Make your kids understand that listening is as important as talking and is extremely crucial when it comes to engaging in conversations.

Practice role-playing conversations

When it comes to speaking, role-playing games work out as a fun-filled way to boost your child’s confidence level. You can ask your child to act out situations they are particularly nervous about, and you can then help them successfully overcome their fear and anxiety. You can encourage the child to practice role-play conversations and know how he/she interacts with others. You can also allow them to pretend to be like their peer or teacher and talk to you about the happenings at school. To enable them to speak confidently in all situations, you will need to introduce them to different scenarios and topics of conversation and help them come up with appropriate responses. This can be a real eye-opener for the child as he/she will get to know his/her capability of conversing really well with others.

Encourage them to socialize

One of the best ways you can practically engage your child in is by exposing him/her to social situations to learn the speaking skills. When you allow them to socialize with others, they get accustomed to mingling with the people of their age as well as those who are elders or even younger to them. This will help them develop skills to converse appropriately with people of different age groups, it will consequently work as a big-time aid in improving their confidence in socializing and speaking in public.

Provide positive reassurance

When your child is too shy to talk confidently, try to know the underlying reason. Talk to the kid about his/her fears and anxieties and provide the kid with positive reassurance. Avoid complaining or criticizing his/her talks as it will instill negative feelings in the kid. At JP International School, we have seen that only when children feel good about themselves, can they bloom into confident speakers. Hence, do encourage your kids to talk to different people in different situations. You can begin with making them communicate with the close family members and friends and then move on to the extended community. This way, your child will slowly get adapted to speaking up and will eventually learn the finer nuances of speaking confidently in public.

At JP International School, one among the Top Ten schools in Greater Noida, we firmly believe that children, being porous minds, are mostly quick at absorbing whatever is taught to them. When they are provided with the right kind of environment and support, they readily learn to discover, explore, and connect with the world around them, and attain a lot of vital skills in the process. Effective communication is one of such skills that children learn the best when they are allowed to unleash their inner potential by providing them with the opportunities to speak up. And only when the kids learn to speak confidently, it lays the path ahead for them to grow into the leaders of tomorrow.

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Parenting is all about connection Sun, 28 Mar 2021 07:28:00 +0000 Parenting is indeed a beautiful phase of life. But then there’s no denying that it’s equally challenging as well. Whether your child is a toddler or a teen, there are times when you just fail to understand your kid’s behavior at all. You keep wondering why the child behaved in a particular way under certain […]

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Parenting is indeed a beautiful phase of life. But then there’s no denying that it’s equally challenging as well. Whether your child is a toddler or a teen, there are times when you just fail to understand your kid’s behavior at all. You keep wondering why the child behaved in a particular way under certain situations. This is where the genuine importance of bonding with your kids arises.

At JP International School, a Top CBSE School in Greater Noida, we believe that the essence of parenting lies in the connection you build with your child, often through the ways you interact and associate with them, whether physically or emotionally. Whatever parenting style you choose, the way it connects you and your child is what makes all the difference. Indeed, a healthy parent-child connection is imperative to raise a happy and successful child.

The bonding between you and your child is basically the most important and necessary aspect of parenting that determines the latter’s behavioral outcome, emotional regulation, and his/her ability to become a full-fledged responsible adult. It nurtures the holistic growth of young minds and lays the foundation for their physical, emotional, and social development. At JP International School, we firmly believe that a child who has good bonding with his/her parents remains motivated to be the best always. On that note, let us delve deeper today into why parenting is all about connection and how a healthy parent-child connection can be established.

Parent-child connection impacts the behavioral traits of kids

Studies have shown that the ability of children to perceive things and respond to eventualities is mostly based on the kind of connection they build with their parents. It is hence important that you continually express your love for your kids, spend time together with them, and give them the needed attention. Your positive interactions with your kids will leave an everlasting impression on their behavioral traits and life values, enabling them to understand the genuine care you have for them.

Gives a strong sense of security to the child

Forming a connection with a child essentially means assuring him/her subconsciously that he is secure in your company. A child who develops a secure bond with his/her parents has excellent emotional health, well-balanced reasoning, and social skills. With a secure connection, you will always find that the child will leave channels of communication open, no matter what he/she may be going through. Moreover, kids who have a strong bond with their parents are also better at expressing their feelings and talk about their emotional upswings more confidently.

Encourages positive behavior from the little ones

Most children, despite their age, long for attention from their parents. Even toddlers respond to physical stimuli. A simple gesture of love or affection can connect directly with the child’s feelings of comfort and protection. Hence, do cuddle your child as often as you can. Be quick to dish out hugs and make the goodnight kiss a daily ritual even after they grow up into teens. When they feel close and connected with their parents, it enables them to soothe big emotions and motivates positive behavior.

At JP International School, one of the most top rated schools in Greater Noida, we believe that when children feel connected with their parents, they are able to learn readily, love easily, and grow better at unleashing their hidden potential and talents. However, when a child feels disconnected, he/she either spontaneously releases negative emotions and tantrums, or his/her behavior goes off-track, signaling the need for reconnection. It is thus vital for the parents to connect with their children in a healthy way so that they can more readily listen, cooperate, and remain motivated in their course of action, now and throughout their life.

We believe that whenever children are cuddled, talked with, read to, and are securely attached to their parents, crucial connections are made, which thereby lay the groundwork for determining how clever, creative, sociable, and capable the kids may become. The stronger the connection between the parent and the child, the better the upbringing and growth.

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Books Provide a Creative Outlet for Children Tue, 02 Mar 2021 07:10:00 +0000 There’s no denying that imagination, curiosity, and creativity lay the foundation of life and future for young minds. If they get the right environment and support to vent out their innate potential and hidden talents, every child can grow into a shining star tomorrow. And such a source of inspiration, support, assistance, and encouragement can […]

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There’s no denying that imagination, curiosity, and creativity lay the foundation of life and future for young minds. If they get the right environment and support to vent out their innate potential and hidden talents, every child can grow into a shining star tomorrow. And such a source of inspiration, support, assistance, and encouragement can be best provided to children by means of books.

At JP International School, positioned among the Best International CBSE schools in Greater Noida, we believe that every book conceals countless possibilities in it. According to the individual ability, requirements, and perception, the readers explore those potentials waiting to be unleashed. Be it a folktale book for toddlers or a science magazine with information about new inventions that could easily tickle the curious mind of the teens, books always come with the potential to be the guiding star for every child.

By providing the young minds with a creative outlet, books, indeed, mobilize the storehouse of possibilities hidden in the kids to the real world.  If you see a child, concentrating on drawing a picture of his/her favorite character from the book of Cinderella, you would know that the elaborations clubbed with the vivid images displayed in the storybook have somehow inspired the child to take out the crayons and start drawing. This is what words and books can do to the kids, i.e., help them subtly bring out the best in them.

Books inspire kids to write

Writing is always considered to be one of the best ways to realize and improvise one’s creative abilities. People who have much to say and express can always find their ways with the words to create poetry, prose, essays, and more.  If you think your child is too young for all these, there is a probability that you are simply underestimating the immense potential your little one has.

At JP International School, we firmly believe that children are best at imagination, and imagination is the cradle of literature. Reading books can help children learn the very ways to put their emotions and thoughts in words. Hence, introduce your kids to a masterpiece like ‘Anne of Green Gables’ or “David Copperfield,” and they will gradually find their way with words. If your child has the inherent talent of writing, books can always be impactful in igniting their spirit and keep it burning.

Books inspire to pursue ambitions and passions

No matter what your child loves to do, an inspirational book can always help the kid find ways to pursue his/her passion. Be it drawing, dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, or mountaineering, inspirational books always encourage children to stay firm in front of all the adversities and strengthen the willpower that drives them to success.

At JP International School, we believe that even the best creative genius in your child might get nipped in the bud without proper encouragement. Even the best variety of seeds needs water, sunlight, and soil to grow to their best extent. Similarly, kids also need a source of relentless inspiration, encouragement, guidance, and mentoring, which books can offer at any time.

Books help to break barriers

Within a book remains a whole new world. Be it classic literature, a simple book of short stories, a know-how magazine, or a general knowledge book, they all come with a wide variety of information that can take the readers beyond the world’s visible boundaries. This exposure to the greater world beyond the tangible limits of the surroundings can aid kids to think-out-of-the-box and be creative.

At JP International School, Greater Noida’s Best School, we firmly believe that reading books is more like embarking on a journey into the abyss of information. It inspires, encourages, and provides courage for overcoming difficulties and challenges to reach the goal. From expressing the thoughts using the right words to imagining new ways of doing things, books can be the best creative outlet for any child. So gift your little ones with some age-appropriate books to delve into and let them unleash, explore, and expand their creative potential.

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The Safety, Sanity and Protection of Our Pupils is Our Topmost Priority at JPIS Thu, 18 Feb 2021 07:01:00 +0000 The educational institutions, particularly the schools, are often referred to as the second home for children. That’s because not only do children spend most of their time at school, but it is also the place where they attain most of their life skills and knowledge. As such, providing the children with a safe and supportive […]

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The educational institutions, particularly the schools, are often referred to as the second home for children. That’s because not only do children spend most of their time at school, but it is also the place where they attain most of their life skills and knowledge. As such, providing the children with a safe and supportive environment where the young minds can dwell without the fear of their safety and security must stand as the prime responsibility of the schools. At JP International School, one among the leading schools in Greater Noida, we take the safety, sanity, and protection of our students very seriously and leave no stones unturned in ensuring that each of our pupils receives the utmost safety, sanity, and protection whether they are within the school premises or availing the school transport facilities.

The pandemic has already given us some very important lessons regarding regular hygiene. And we, at JPIS, are ready in every way to implement all those protocols to ensure that our children get a safe sanctuary at school in the post-pandemic times. Here is a brief overview of what all the school has done to ensure safe school hours for our dear students.

Regular sanitizing of the entire premises and buses

At JPIS, we believe that good health contributes largely to the growth of the body and mind. Since the holistic development of every child is what we care for, we ensure regular sanitization of the entire school premises as well as the school transport. The school has already arranged for all the necessary sanitizing products to make sure that every nook and corner of the school remains germ-free all the time, be it the playground, the classrooms, laboratories, or the bathrooms.

Keeping a close watch with the CCTVs

At JPIS, we understand that children might feel reluctant at times about abiding by all the restrictions related to basic hygiene. Especially when they play, learn, or remain engaged in other exciting activities, a few hygiene practices can always skip their mind. This is why we have further strengthened the internal security system by installing more CCTVs to keep a close watch on everyone. This arrangement will ensure immediate action if any child is not feeling well or a particular area gets dirty.

Sitting rearrangement in the classrooms

According to the latest protocols, a minimum of 6 feet distance must be maintained between two kids. Therefore, we have rearranged the tables and chairs to allow the required space between two seats in the classrooms. We know children might feel a little down seeing their best buddies sitting at a distance from them, but it would also ensure their safety under the prevailing circumstances. To fit the requirement, the full strength of the classroom will not be allowed inside the room at a time. Instead, pupils will attend classes in batches to ensure no crowd.

Rescheduling of the time tables

Since all the students will not be coming to school at the same time, we, at JPIS, have also thought of providing new schedules to the children who would be coming to school. At this moment, it is the safety of the children that remains at the top of our priority list. Therefore, we would do every rescheduling possible to ensure 100% safety of all our students.

Arrangement of PPE kits and other safety gears

Being one of the foremost schools in Greater Noida, we, at JPIS, have thought of keeping a steady supply of PPE kits and other gears available in abundance. Even in the school buses, all these gears will remain available in plenty to facilitate the observance of the safety protocols meticulously. A dedicated team of nurses and physicians will always remain available in school to deal with any variety of medical emergencies.

At JPIS, we consider each of our students to be the future of the country. Their safety and security have always been our primary concern. We value the extent of confidence with which the parents entrust the safety of their kids with us. Therefore, we never leave any stone unturned in securing the same for them. The pandemic has already put us through trying times. However, with the vaccines around the corner and the schools reopening partially after quite a while, we are all looking forward to the dawning of the day when we shall go back to our old normal.

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The Best New Year Resolutions for Young Buds Fri, 08 Jan 2021 09:50:00 +0000 The New Year is indeed the best time of the year to set goals and resolutions. For children, resolutions are mostly either about their personal or academic progress. But ideally, to achieve effective end results, it is vital that the personal goals go hand-in-hand with the academic ones. At JP International School, one of the […]

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The New Year is indeed the best time of the year to set goals and resolutions. For children, resolutions are mostly either about their personal or academic progress. But ideally, to achieve effective end results, it is vital that the personal goals go hand-in-hand with the academic ones. At JP International School, one of the Greater Noida Best School, we believe that when children plan for New Year resolutions, it has to be a productive goaland something that can enable them to take the right steps towards specific growth targets.

Whether it is a long-term or short-term resolution, setting effective goals can help children grow in all the areas of their life, and make life much more meaningful and happy for them. On that note, here we have a few New Year resolution suggestions for our young budding geniuses that can help them bring in immense happiness and prosperity to their life.

Improving Upon the Sleeping Habits

We know that the pandemic has disturbed the lifestyle of most people to the core, and among the worst affected are children who have got a complete cut-off from social life. With no or minimal outdoor times and low physical activity, most children have resorted to gadgets for passing the time.This impacts their sleep cycle the most, which particularly holds very high significance during the childhood years.

When children sleep well, it triggers their brain cells to work faster and smarter. Moreover, with a good night’s sleep, children wake up fresh and happier. Thus take up a resolution today to put all the gadgets/mobiles/screens away at least an hour before bedtime so that the mind gets ready for rest.

Also, make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sound sleep. And no, when we say that, we don’t mean going to bed at 2 o’clock at night and then waking up post 10 o’clock in the morning. Make it a habit to go to bed by at the most 10 pm, so that you can wake up fresh by 7 am. When you get to study mode in the early hours, your concentration levels remainat peak, and you learn much quicker. Thus, a good night’s sleep and an early start of the day can make your life a lot happier and prosperous.

Maintain a Gratitude Journal

Journaling is a great way to keep track of things in life and add value to everyday memories. Moreover, keeping a gratitude journal can cultivate an attitude of gratitude in children. It helps in self-exploration and teaches the kids to focus on being thankful for what they have, be it the big things or simple joys. So take a resolution of maintaining a gratitude journal this year, and it will help you treasure even the tiniest of happy moments you come across.

Take Up a Hobby

Starting a hobby can be a usual but worthy resolution. Anything that piques your interest and contributes to your passion can be your hobby. Choose the right kind of hobby that adds happiness to your life. Anything from playing an instrument to singing, painting,or collecting things can be taken up as a hobby. It will not only impart you happiness in engaging in something that you like to do but will also contribute to improving your emotional health.

At JP International School, positioned among the CBSE Schools in Greater Noida, we firmly believe that it is never too late to bring a good change in life, and new year resolutions are the best way to kick start that change with enthusiasm and vigor. So go on, take up a resolution this 2021 that you believe can bring in a lot of happiness for yourself as well as others around you.

We, at JPIS, wish you all a Very Happy New Year on behalf of our entire team! Hope you all remain in pink of health and your life be filled with lots of happiness and success always.

The post The Best New Year Resolutions for Young Buds appeared first on Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida - JP International.

Believing in Your Kids Help Raise Their Self-Confidence Thu, 31 Dec 2020 04:37:53 +0000 Parents are the first source of inspiration for every child. No matter how much time you spend with your little one at home, you always leave-behindtrails of impression unknowingly on the little minds. Especially now, during the pandemic, when the times are rough, and most children spend the lion share of their time at home, […]

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Parents are the first source of inspiration for every child. No matter how much time you spend with your little one at home, you always leave-behindtrails of impression unknowingly on the little minds. Especially now, during the pandemic, when the times are rough, and most children spend the lion share of their time at home, positive and supportive parenting can be their sole means to nourish their character traits.

Besides hard work, dedication, and honesty, self-confidence is another attribute that helps children achieve their goals in life. In our years of experience in the field of education, we at JP International School, one among the Top Rated Schools in Greater Noida, have seen that people who believe in themselves win the trust of the world in the end. And when it comes to instilling self-confidence in your little ones, the prime source of trust, faith, and reliance would be you, the parents.

For every movement and act, children look up to their parents for recognition and approval. If you show confidence in them, they would learn to believe in themselves. At JPIS, we have witnessed plenty of pupils experiencing a complete turn-around of characteristics just because their parents started placing faith in them. We firmly believe that even the shiest fellow can turn out to be a leader tomorrow if he/she gets strong parental support today.On that note, we are shedding light in this article below on how supportive parenting, particularly during the formative years of children, can help instill traits like self-confidence and self-esteem in them.

Teaches them to take lessons from their failures

With parents supporting and believing in each of their kids’activities and attempts, children learn to see the teachings that failures leave behind. No matter if your kids are scoring low in mathematics, if you would tell them that you have complete faith in them, they would never feel discouraged. Try to be the source of inspiration for them instead of making them fear to approach you. Kids always look for the first ray of hope in their parent’s eyes. Your faith in them would motivate them to learn from the failures, and it will pave the way for them to grow into resolute individuals with high self-confidence.

Helps to shoo away the negative thoughts

Children face negativities from various sources. It could be relatives, friends, mates, or anyone else. But, all of these negativities can get dissolved in the ocean of faith of the parents. If your child is trying hard and still failing to catch up with progress, appreciate the efforts and encourage them to show your trust in their individual abilities. This effectively reduces the impacts of negative thoughts and helps the children adopt a positive thought process. When children know that their parents have complete faith in them, they always stay focused and positive to achieve their goals regardless of the external influences.

Instills perseverance in young minds

Children with supportive parents always turn out to be fighters and not quitters. At JPIS, we have seen that parents who always pat the kids’ backs for their attempts and efforts and not only for their achievements perform consistently and show improvements. We have also noticed that children often feel responsible and committed to achieving their targets more when their parents put their faith and support in them through candid conversations.

We, at JP International School, ranked among the Top 10 Schools in Greater Noida, believe that parents are the strongest pillar of the foundation of a kid’s future. If parents stay positive and supportive about the kids, nothing can be an obstacle in their way to success. You, the parents, are the guiding star for your kids, and you need to cast your light on the path your child walks down. Place your faith in your kids to make them trust themselves.

The post Believing in Your Kids Help Raise Their Self-Confidence appeared first on Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida - JP International.
