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Are traditional learning practices hampering critical thinking in children?

  • 21 February 2023

The way our children receive their education has changed in recent years and for a good reason. Conventional education focuses primarily on the mastery of historical knowledge, neglecting the examination of present and future-oriented concerns.

As the best International school in Noida, JP International School believes in providing their children with smart-value education through Mogly’s. This allows the children to think critically while also learning about the past, present, and future.

In a traditional educational setting, students are often presented with information and expected to memorize it without much analysis or interpretation. At JP International School, we ensure that our children truly get involved in the learning process.

As we are among the good schools in Noida Extension, rather than sticking to a monotonous schedule, we have adopted the smart class method of learning. Our children are free to find their own path and eliminate the fear of failure through real-life applications, 2D and 3D animations, graphics, and audio.

Traditional educational practices often prioritize the acquisition of knowledge over the development of skills. This can result in students lacking the ability to apply what they have learned to real-world situations. They may struggle to think creatively, solve problems, or make connections between seemingly disparate concepts.

At JP International School, we encourage collaborative learning practices, where children learn to study and work together in groups. This helps our children grow into innovators and problem solvers. This is because traditional learning practices always follow a defined path. In comparison, critical thinking allows our children to think about all the angles in any situation and then come up with solutions without any bias.

Traditional education is not so helpful beyond the classroom. It has no practicality in the real world. As we are placed at the top Greater Noida school list, we understand that critical thinking prepares our children and equips them with skills required in the real world. 

- JP International School

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