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The Do and Do not Discuss Corona with your Kids

  • 16 April 2020

As parents, it is natural for you to want to keep children away from topics that make them feel too scared and anxious. But, there are times when shielding them from all worries is neither possible nor really viable. And, now is that time because there’s perhaps nothing at this point that drives our anxiety more than the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the rising number of cases all over the country. You can’t keep your children away from the reality of the situation, and at the same time, you don’t want them to be alarmed and worried. So, what should be your approach towards discussing corona with your kids?

Ideally, as a parent, you should inform your kids about the situation, but it should be done in a manner that helps them understand the situation, eases their worry, and stops them from believing in rumors and misinformation. With that being said, we, at JP International School, regarded as the Best CBSE School in Noida, have brought you a list of the dos and don’ts of discussing corona with your kids.

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What should be the right approach – The Do’s

  • Do keep them well-informed

Getting an incomplete picture of the situation will end up creating more panic in their minds than easing it. So, parents should see to it that they act as the most trusted source of information for their kids. Be honest and open about the origin and spread of the disease and explain to them why the nation has gone on lockdown.

  • Do explain them in their language

Words like pandemic, quarantine, and lockdown have become a part of our everyday vocabulary in the past few days. But, such big words and their connotations might just end up alarming the kids more, which is what you need to avoid. So, explain it to them in their language such that they understand it without being scared about it.

  • Do teach them about health and hygiene

The rules of health and hygiene, such as the 20-second hand-washing rule and sneezing or coughing using a tissue, are the things that hold importance with or without the coronavirus scare. And, perhaps, now is the best time to teach them about the techniques of personal hygiene and how it keeps diseases at bay.

  • Do tell them about government responses

Keep them informed about the steps taken by the government to bring the situation under control. Tell them about the travel ban issued for high-risk countries. Tell them about the requirements of the rigorous testing in the labs. It will help in easing their mind when they know about the conscious efforts being taken by the government to curb the spread of the disease.

What not to tell the kids – The Don’ts

  • Do not start panicking about the situation

Kids are extremely sensitive to the anxiety of their parents, and thus, in spite of all the worries you have about the situation, you will have to put on a brave face for them and be optimistic for your kids. There is no point in panicking about the situation and telling them every day about the death tolls all over the world.

  • Do not make preparatory measures too evident

You will need to stock up on essentials during this period of lockdown, but do not make that create a sense of alarm in the tender mind of your kids. Convey the message that you are just buying a bit extra since everyone will be at home and more supplies will be needed.

  • Do not tell them anything before checking the facts

This is a time when there are more rumors doing the rounds than actual information. It is your responsibility to differentiate misinformation and truth by fact-checking every new piece of advice or suggestion that you hear. Log on to the government websites or the official site of WHO to know the truth about the matter.

We, at JP International School, understand that it is very hard to keep calm and maintain your cool in the situation that we all are currently in, but we owe that to our kids and ourselves. With the efforts of the government and our joint support in those efforts, we as a nation would surely defeat the disease.

- JP International School

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