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Masterclass on Digital Transformation

  • 20 November 2023

Digital transformation Masterclass was organized for JPians

On November 20, 2023, JPIS hosted a Masterclass on Digital Transformation featuring Mr. Saurabh Agarwal as the distinguished speaker. He delved into 21st-century technology and innovation, exploring the evolving landscape where human evaluation intersects with Artificial Intelligence. Addressing the transformative power of technology in enhancing efficiency, Mr. Agarwal highlighted the delicate balance needed to prevent becoming slaves to these advancements. The session underscored the pressing need to navigate challenges with AI, such as misuse, regulatory gaps, complexity, and substantial training requirements. Participants engaged in a fruitful discussion on identifying problem areas, emphasizing key considerations like security and adoption challenges. The event concluded with interactive sessions between the speaker and students, covering diverse aspects. The workshop earned praise from the school principal for the students' enthusiastic participation, marking it as a valuable and insightful experience in the realm of digital transformation.

- JP International School
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