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Orientation Program

  • 30 March 2024

"If there is attention, knowledge will increase. if there is knowledge, science will advance. if there is science, opportunities for progress will increase, and we, JPIS, move forward with attention, knowledge, science, and progress together."

On March 30th, 2024, JPIS hosted an enlightening Aagman- Orientation program of 2024-25 for both parents and students, aimed at familiarizing them with the school curriculum, scholastic and co-scholastic activities, teaching methodologies, student achievements, and more.

The auspicious event commenced with the invocation of Maa Saraswati, symbolizing knowledge and wisdom, through the lighting of the ceremonial lamp, by the President, Mr Arun Kedia, CEO Education - Sparsh Group, Dr Amit Saxena, the Principal, Ms Ruby Chandel and the parents.

Dr. Amit Saxena, the CEO of Education at Sparsh Group, emphasized the importance of technology-based education and activities grounded in design thinking and critical thinking for the holistic development of students. JPIS, under the umbrella of Sparsh Group, is reaching new heights of success in instilling values and providing technology-based education to its students.

Ms. Ruby Chandel, the esteemed Principal, eloquently elucidated the school's mission, vision, Sparsh Mandate, cognitive development strategies, design thinking approaches, and the significant Shanti Scholarship Awards, recognizing the school's unwavering support to students' academic accomplishments and progress.

The program featured engaging activities such as Sanskrit shloka recitation and enactments of the Duryodhan-Krishna samvad by junior students while middle-wing students shared insights into their experiences with Scouts and Guides. NCC students provided an overview of the National Cadet Corps, and various club members shared their enriching experiences. The recipient of the Shanti Scholarship Award for her outstanding academic performance, shared her insightful experiences with the parents' audience during the Orientation program.

Through this comprehensive Orientation program, parents and students were apprised of JPIS's holistic approach to student development throughout the academic year. The concerted efforts of the school were warmly appreciated by all parents, underscoring JPIS'S commitment to fostering students' growth and success.

- JP International School
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