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Orientation Session on Women Safety

  • 4 August 2023

JP International School, Greater Noida hosted a highly informative orientation session on Police Helpline Numbers and Women’s Safety Awareness. The session was held specifically for the girls of grades VIII to XII on 4th August 2023. The workshop aimed to equip the girls with essential knowledge and resources to enhance their personal safety. Representatives from the local police department led the session, providing valuable insights and guidance.

The participants were introduced to the significance of women's safety in today's society and the role each individual plays in fostering a safe community.

The police representatives shared their dedication to maintaining law and order, ensuring the safety of citizens, and addressing concerns promptly.

They emphasized the role of the police department in responding to emergencies and non-emergency situations related to women's safety.
The heart of the workshop revolved around educating the girls about various police helpline numbers and their specific purposes. They were informed about the list of emergency and non-emergency helpline numbers, including those for immediate assistance and reporting non-urgent incidents. This segment helped the girls understand when and how to use each number effectively. The school community greatly appreciates the efforts of the police department in raising awareness and ensuring the safety and well-being of all.

- JP International School
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