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Workshop Reading Strategies

  • 10 February 2024

JP International School organized an enriching teachers' workshop on 'Reading Strategies,' led by Mr. Lucky Puchchrat on 10th February 2024. The primary objective was to instill a love for reading in educators, encouraging them to not only embrace good books but also inspire their students to do the same.

During the session, Mr. Puchchrat eloquently presented three main focal points: the benefits of reading, the essence of reading, and the various levels of reading. He elaborated on five significant advantages of reading, including knowledge acquisition, cognitive empowerment, stress reduction, improved communication, and personal growth.

Active and passive reading were explored, emphasizing the importance of engaging with written material actively. Additionally, the speaker elucidated the levels of reading, encompassing elementary, inspectional, analytical, and syntopical reading, providing a comprehensive understanding of diverse reading approaches.

The workshop left a lasting impact, reigniting a passion for reading among the educators. Notably, both coordinators from JP International School actively participated, underscoring the school's dedication to fostering a reading-centric culture. Mr. Puchchrat shared valuable book recommendations during the session, aligning with the workshop's theme and offering a practical starting point for teachers eager to enhance their reading habits.

In conclusion, the workshop proved to be a valuable and inspiring experience, equipping educators with the tools to cultivate a love for reading in both themselves and their students.

- JP International School
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